Kevin on Social Media

New Single Old Song 

I wrote Moon Over Electric Canyon around 40 years ago. For years it was a staple of Neo Pseudo shows, we recorded a version on our first CD and it appears on several live albums as well. I've always told people that it represents my philosophy of life and that's true, it did and still does. 

I recorded a new version this year that showcases how I perform the song these days with some nice production from Dave Richardson. 

You can hear it here:

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Nothing Left Undone is still getting it done 

WeI wrote the song “Nothing Left Undone” with Rick Lang a couple of years ago and Orchard Creek Band recorded and released the song in the summer of 2023, almost a year ago. It came out as a single in September 2023 and got some airplay and good reviews. Lately though it has been making a comeback on some bluegrass charts. We managed to make it to #19 last month on the Bluegrass Planet Radio charts! 

Here's a video of us doing the song at Midwinter Bluegrass Festival in Denver this past February. 

No, this video. 

Our good friend Andrea Love (part of the Amen Trio with Annie Savage and myself) organized this wonderful group of singers and musicians from Colorado's Front Range to sing in tribute to and support for Ukraine. The singers even learned Ukrainian words to their national anthem. I just had to play octave mandolin ;) 

Watch this video! 

Vicki and I participated in a wonderful video event singing for and standing with Ukraine. Watch it here: 

New Book  

I have just published a book of photos. These range from city streets to mountains, twisted old trees and windswept weeds to a window at Georgia O'Keefe's house in New Mexico. I've always loved those fleeting images that fly by the window on a highway, or forgotten alley ways in small towns. I've collected a hundred or so such images into the book Perfect Moments which you can buy here

New Single 

Things in Life is the new single from Annie Savage and myself, it will be released on May 25th, 2022. The single is part of our album "Precious Memories" from several years ago. Honestly I had forgotten that we recorded the song but when listening recently I was struck by the beauty of Annie's singing and wanted to share the song more widely so decided to release it as a single. You'll find it on all the usual streaming platforms.

Sometimes A Great Podcast 

Thanks to Chuck and Lilly Sitero and Nick Einterz for having me on Sometimes A Great Podcast this week. We had a delightful time playing and talking music. You can watch the episode here.

New Book of Old Stories and Poems 

I've just released a book of poetry and prose entitled "Words and the Sound of Words" and you can get yourself a copy right here. I plan to put out a book of comics and silly stories, most of which appeared at one time or other in my old zine "Nu Vu Du Revue". I seem to work in cycles, and it's been an energized, busy cycle lately so I hope you find something you enjoy.

Fellow Traveler 

My latest release is an EP entitled "Fellow Traveler" which can be found on all the streaming sites and physical copies are available here in the "store".

Coming Home 

My new album (which is actually made up of older recordings remastered) will be available for streaming on January 24th. You can order a physical copy now if you click on over to the "Store" part of this website. You could also write me an email to and we'll make arrangements that way. If you are a DJ or writer for one of the folk/americana/grassicana/ roots music stations or publications drop me a line and I'll get you a copy along with a press release.